Brad Garrett's career has sky-rocketed along with his Hit CBS-TV Series, "Everybody Loves Raymond" which has risen to the upper echelons of TV success, ranked regularly in the top 10 rated programs. Brad's TV presence has spread around the world as EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND plays in over 40 countries.
Over 11 million people in the U.S. watch Brad on "Everybody Loves Raymond" every Monday night. He has been on the cover of TV GUIDE, as well as having articles on his career in ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, PEOPLE MAGAZINE and has appeared on HOLLYWOOD SQUARES and DAVID LETTERMAN. Here are some samples of the cultural saturation the star of POSTAL WORKER has made in the last year...
"Brad did a noteworthy turn as a crazed mechanic who kidnaps Jerry's car in a 1996 Seinfeld episode. At 37, he's living single. "I don't know how to do [relationships]" he says. "Commitment for me is walking as far as the ice machine." ...In addition to a beefier part on Everybody Loves Raymond, he's snagged his first big-screen lead, playing another tightly wound civil servant in a "very, very dark" film called Postal Worker (due out in 1998), which the actor describes as "Sling Blade Goes to the Post Office."


Oren reacts to the paperboy's barbs, "You're a psycho postman!" with an outcry for help, "I am not a psycho! I have a good mind!"
Oren attempts to consumate his love for Tammy... 
Brad going over his urine scene with director Jeff Jackson. One of
Mr. Garrett's ongoing questions for the director was, "Jeff, give me just one line of dialogue, just one, that's all I ask..."